
Unraveling Dental Implant Costs: A Comprehensive Guide to Financial Considerations

Jan 03, 2024
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While dental implants offer a wide range of benefits, many patients are concerned about the potential costs associated with the procedure. We discuss various factors influencing dental implant costs and explore potential avenues for financial assistance.

Dental implants are the gold standard of tooth replacement, providing a durable and natural-looking solution for those with missing teeth. While the benefits are clear, many individuals are apprehensive about the potential costs associated with dental implant procedures. This article delves into the various factors influencing dental implant costs and explores potential avenues for financial assistance. Let’s cut to the chase.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

In general, dental implants are a lifelong investment and are priced accordingly. As a ballpark figure, the cost of a single dental implant from start to finish can be between $3,100 to $5,800 and for full-mouth tooth implants, you could find yourself paying between $60,000 and $90,000. We’ll talk more about the ‘numbers’ further down the page.

If you’re wondering why there is such an eye-watering difference, it’s because everyone’s dental implant journey is different. Accordingly, dental implant costs are based on the type and complexity of the work involved.

Understanding the cost components

Implant procedures are complex, comprising multiple components in each step, and different fees associated with every part of the process.  

The factors contributing to the overall expense of your new tooth or teeth encompass:

  • Thorough dental examination, incorporating 3D imaging
  • Removal of problematic teeth, if required
  • Implantation of the dental implant(s)
  • Attachment of the abutment hardware
  • Crafting of the dental crown
  • Attachment of the crown

The cost of each component varies depending on the dental practice. Some practices may provide a complimentary computed tomography (CT) scan at the outset of the process as an incentive (this scan helps assess your suitability for dental implants). However, if you are charged for the 3D imaging, the cost can range from $350 to $515 for the service.

Other factors that affect the cost of dental implants include:

Number of implants needed:

The number of implants required plays a significant role in determining the overall cost. A single implant will be more affordable than a full set of implants for an entire arch.

Implant material:

Dental implants are commonly made of titanium or zirconia. The choice of material can impact the cost, with titanium being a more budget-friendly option.

Implant brand and quality:

Different brands and qualities of implants exist in the market. High-quality, reputable brands may come with a higher price tag, but they often provide better longevity and success rates.

Preparatory procedures:

Some patients may require additional procedures, such as bone grafting or sinus lifts, to ensure a solid foundation for the implants and naturally, this will increase the overall cost.

Location of the dental practice:

Dental implant costs can vary based on geographic location and the associated living costs. Urban areas generally have higher fees than rural areas.

Experience of the implant dentist:

An experienced and skilled implant dentist may charge higher fees for their expertise. However, their proficiency is crucial for the success of the procedure.

The Cost of a Single-Tooth Implant

Purchasing a single implant doesn't entail just the implant itself—it refers to the metal screw inserted into the jawbone. Alongside the implant, you'll need an abutment (connecting the crown to the implant) and the crown, each charged separately.

Some patients may also require a sinus lift or bone graft to enhance the jawbone's health and provide stability to the implant. This additional procedure contributes to the overall cost.

According to the American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute cost survey, the complete expense for an implant, abutment, crown, and other essential procedures falls within the range of $3,100 to $5,800.

The Cost of a Multiple-Tooth Implant

If you’re looking to replace more than one tooth, especially if they are adjacent, you’ll likely have a choice of implant options, resulting in a variety of prices.

For example, in the case of filling a gap spanning three or four neighboring teeth, you might opt for a bridge secured in place by just two implants, thereby reducing the overall cost to approximately $6,000 to $10,000. This is a more cost-effective solution compared to installing four individual implants, as two implants can effectively support three or four adjacent teeth.

Full-Mouth Tooth Replacement Cost

Due to the various approaches available for full-mouth tooth replacement, the pricing spectrum is quite extensive.

Opting for the individual replacement of teeth is the priciest choice. Although this method offers the utmost comfort and allows the dentist to preserve existing healthy teeth, it comes with a higher price tag, typically falling in the range of $60,000 to $90,000.

On the other hand, a more cost-effective alternative is implant-supported dentures, that replace all of the natural teeth. Arches of false teeth are secured to four to six implants in both jaws. This option, also known by the trademarked name All-on-4, generally ranges from $24,000 to $50,000 for a complete set.

Additional Costs Associated with Dental Implants

If you're consulting multiple specialists, such as both a dentist and an oral surgeon, be sure to consider the fees from both practitioners.

Other potential extra expenses may involve over-the-counter or prescription medications, such as painkillers post-procedure or antibiotics prescribed by the dentist before or after, if deemed necessary.

Dental Implants – More Affordable Than You Think

Because dental implants are a lengthy procedure, the costs are typically paid over several months. Many dental practices offer in-house financing that fits your budget or you can cover the cost with a third-party no-interest financing company such as Care Credit.

Other payment options to consider include:

  • Dental Insurance Coverage:

Check if your dental insurance provides coverage for dental implants. While coverage may vary, some plans offer partial reimbursement for implant procedures.

  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs):

Explore the possibility of using FSAs or HSAs to cover dental implant costs. These accounts enable you to put aside pre-tax dollars for medical expenses, including dental procedures.

  • Dental Discount Plans:

Some dental offices offer discount plans that can help reduce the overall cost of dental implants. These plans typically involve an annual fee and provide discounts on various dental services.


While the cost of dental implants may initially seem daunting, understanding the factors influencing pricing and exploring financial assistance options can make the procedure more accessible. Remember that dental implants are a long-term investment in your oral health and overall well-being.

At Chesterfield Dentistry, we can create a personalized treatment plan that fits both your dental needs and your budget. By taking a proactive approach to financial planning, you can embark on the journey to a restored and confident smile with peace of mind. Call us today at 314-936-3621 to schedule a free dental implant consultation or use our online booking system.