
Understanding The Risks of DIY Clear Aligners At Home

May 29, 2024
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The popularity of at-home teeth straightening is understandable. Major brands offer low-cost clear aligners with impressive results, avoiding regular dental visits. These savings often come with downsides. Learn the risks of DIY clear aligners below.

You’ve probably come across mail-order DIY clear aligners offering quicker and cheaper orthodontic treatment compared to professional services. More people are experiencing oral health issues from DIY teeth straightening. Reports include discomfort, pain, and even loose or failing teeth, providing ample reason to approach DIY aligners with caution.

At Chesterfield Dentistry, we provide safe and effective treatment with Invisalign® aligners. Our experienced dentists create a personalized treatment plan and closely monitor your progress, ensuring better results than the DIY option and eliminating the risks of DIY clear aligners at home.

So what risks should you be aware of if you choose to go down the DIY teeth straightening route? Let’s take a look.

Six risks of straightening your teeth yourself at home

1.No initial consultation – Like any medical or cosmetic treatment (and teeth straightening is no different)  an initial consultation is essential to ensure the treatment is suitable for the patient and will meet their expectations. With remote teeth straightening this doesn’t always occur. As a result, there is no one to determine whether your mouth is sufficiently healthy to begin orthodontic treatment.

You could have tooth decay or gum disease which can lead to serious and long-lasting damage if it is not treated before wearing aligners. Furthermore, there’s no way of telling if an underlying condition is present. You may have short tooth roots which could lead to tooth loss if you go ahead with aligners. These issues can only be detected with a clinical examination and X-rays which is why time spent in the dental chair before starting orthodontic treatment is vital.

2.You have to take your impressions –  Taking an impression is challenging, to say the least. This is why we use digital scanners for patient comfort and accurate results. Digital scans offer much greater accuracy compared to putty impressions, which can change shape due to various factors. If you take a flawed impression or accidentally move the tray in your mouth, the DIY company will create an inaccurate treatment plan, which can be hazardous. An incorrect impression means you've wasted both your time and money.

3.No one to monitor your progress - Without expert monitoring from a dental professional, aligners can move your teeth too fast causing damage to the gum tissue and bone leading to wobbly teeth or a skewed smile. Aligners like Invisalign are designed to move the teeth in small increments. While the teeth may shift to their new positions in the first 24 hours, that doesn’t mean it’s time to move on to the next aligner. Time is needed for new bone to build up while the gum tissues also require time to adjust to the movement. This is why the same set of aligners needs to be worn for around two weeks before discarding it for the next in the series.

Conversely, regular contact with a dentist would identify any issues and your treatment plan would be adjusted accordingly, ensuring your teeth remain in good condition before, during and after treatment. After all, how can you be expected to know if your treatment is progressing properly and is on track?

4.Hidden costs  - While DIY teeth aligner companies advertise as cost-effective initially, this treatment often leads to complications that require professional orthodontic intervention, ultimately costing more than seeing an orthodontic dentist from the start. Additionally, at-home companies are notorious for adding unexpected hidden fees. With us, there are no hidden charges; the price quoted on your first visit is the final price. We believe in full transparency.

5.Retainers - The retention phase is crucial in orthodontic treatment to maintain your results. Wearing a retainer after treatment is necessary to prevent your teeth from moving back to their original positions. DIY teeth aligner companies often charge extra for retainers and suggest frequent replacements, leading to increased costs. With us, retainers are included in your treatment package, ensuring no additional fees.

6.Non-transferable treatment - In September 2023, Smile Direct Club, the first company to offer mail-order aligners, went out of business, leaving their customers in the lurch and out of pocket and with no one to turn to.

When you choose Invisalign to straighten your teeth, the good news is that even in the worst-case scenario, it’s possible to transfer your computer records so treatment can be continued with another Invisalign provider.

Proven professional care is irreplaceable

In an age dominated by video conferencing, social media and selfies, a confident smile is more valued than ever. However, when it comes to your gums, teeth, and overall oral health, it's crucial to seek orthodontic treatment from qualified, certified, and experienced professionals. If you have any doubts about receiving top-quality care throughout your treatment, it’s best not to risk your dental health and happiness.

Why straighten your teeth with Chesterfield Dentistry?

Mail-order aligners generally focus on straightening the front six teeth, known as the "social six." In contrast, we ensure that all your teeth align and function properly, creating a healthy and effective bite. Consulting with an experienced orthodontic dentist means working with someone trained to consider the entire face, profile, soft tissue, bone, and teeth.

We provide comprehensive care that goes beyond straightening teeth. We aim to create a healthy and functional bite, enhance the facial profile, and ensure the health of soft tissues, bones, and teeth. Additionally, we address issues like teeth grinding, clenching, airway problems, and sleep disorders, which DIY aligners cannot handle.

Book an orthodontic consultation today

At Chesterfield Dentistry, we offer Invisalign and Clear Correct aligners to create confident,  beautiful, healthy smiles. Why not schedule a consultation to discuss your best options?