
Taking a Bite Out of Tooth Loss: A Closer Look at Osseointegration and Its Role in Dental Implants

Dec 23, 2022
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Osseointegration is a critical part of the dental implant procedure and can take several months to occur. But what is osseointegration, and why is it so important to te success of the implant procedure? Read on to learn more.

Dental implants are extremely stable because they are surgically implanted directly into the jawbone, providing a strong foundation for replacement teeth. The implants are made of titanium or zirconia, biocompatible materials that fuse to the jawbone through a process called osseointegration.

As the implant is placed, the body begins to heal around it. This natural healing process stimulates the growth of new bone cells that grow around the implant and form a strong bond with it. This allows for a more natural look and feel.

Osseointegration: A Medical And Dental Milestone

In 1952, Swedish physician Per-Ingvar Brånemark made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of orthopedics and prosthetics: the ability of bone to integrate with a prosthetic device. 

 Brånemark was researching blood flow in rabbits when he made the discovery. He placed titanium implants in the rabbits’ tibia bones and noticed that the bone cells were integrating with the titanium. He realized this could be a viable solution for people with missing limbs or joints needing a prosthetic. 

Brånemark began studying this phenomenon further and eventually developed a technique of implanting titanium screws directly into the bone. This allowed for a much more secure connection between the prosthetic and the patient’s body. Brånemark’s discovery revolutionized the prosthetics field, allowing for more secure and comfortable prosthetic attachments. His discovery also enabled more people to benefit from prosthetic devices, as the risk of infection and tissue rejection was greatly reduced. 

Today, Brånemark’s discovery is widely used in orthopedic surgery and prosthetics to secure artificial hips, knees and other prosthetic devices to the body. The technique is also used to help secure dentures and dental implants.

Common Questions About Osseointegration Answered

How long does it take for osseointegration to occur?

It typically takes between four and six months for osseointegration to occur. During this time, you must be careful to follow all instructions given by your dentist to ensure the best possible outcome. In some cases, the process may take longer depending on the individual’s oral health, the type of implant being used and the location of the implant.

How do you know when a dental implant has successfully osseointegrated?

You will know that the implant has osseointegrated when it is no longer painful, tender or loose and when the surrounding tissue appears healthy and healed.

What is the difference between osseointegration and other implant techniques?

Osseointegration differs from other implant techniques because it uses a direct connection between the implant and the bone. This allows for more stability, comfort and function than other implant techniques.

Is osseointegration painful?

No, the process of osseointegration is not painful at all. However, the placement of the dental implant can cause some mild discomfort in some people.

What is the success rate of osseointegration and dental implants?

The success rate of osseointegration is very high, with most implants achieving a success rate of 95-98%. This is largely attributed to modern technology and materials, which allow for better implant integration and jawbone integration.

Why is osseointegration so successful?

This natural process is successful because of the biocompatible surface of the implant, which encourages new bone cells to attach to it and form a strong bond. The surface also allows more nutrients and oxygen to be delivered to the implant site, which is essential for the dental prosthetic to remain healthy and secure. Additionally, the shape of the implant helps to ensure that it stays in place and is less prone to displacement. All of these factors contribute to the successful osseointegration of dental implants, making them a viable and reliable option for tooth replacement.

Are there any risks associated with osseointegration and dental implants?

Yes, there are some risks associated with osseointegration and dental implants. These include infection, nerve damage and sinus problems. It is important to discuss any potential risks with your dentist before having the procedure.

What are some of the benefits of osseointegration?

The main benefit of osseointegration is that it offers a long-term solution that can last a lifetime. The fusion of the implant and bone also prevents shifting and movement of the prosthetic, allowing it to function and feel like a natural tooth. Osseointegration also eliminates the need for adhesives or denture pastes and helps to improve the patient’s overall oral health.

What are some tips for the successful osseointegration of dental implants?

  • Practice good oral hygiene, including brushing twice a day and flossing at least once daily. This also includes having regular dental cleanings.
  • Avoid hard foods or foods that require vigorous chewing, which can damage the implant site.
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with your dentist or oral surgeon.
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash to reduce the volume of bacteria in the mouth.

Take the First Step Toward a Better Smile with Dental Implants from Chesterfield Dentistry

Chesterfield Dentistry is the place to go if you’re looking for a first-class dental implant provider. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and treatment. With our personalized approach, you can trust that you’ll be in good hands with us.

Get in touch with our friendly and experienced team if you would like to book a consultation. Simply call (314) 469 6420 or book online. We look forward to providing you with the smile of your dreams!