
Dental Implant Factors To Consider Before Replacing Lost Teeth

Aug 26, 2021
Dental Implant Factors To Consider Before Replacing Lost Teeth
Dental implants are a safe, natural-looking and long-term option for replacing missing teeth. Before committing to the procedure, it´s a good idea to be an informed patient. So if you´re thinking about replacing lost, damaged, or decayed teeth, here ...

Dental implants are a safe, natural-looking and long-term option for replacing missing teeth. Before committing to the procedure, it´s a good idea to be an informed patient. So if you´re thinking about replacing lost, damaged, or decayed teeth, here are several important dental implant factors to consider.

The Cost

The cost of getting dental implants can range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand and depends on many factors, such as the number of implants and whether bone grafting or any additional treatments are needed. Dental insurance may cover some of the costs, and many dental surgeries will offer flexible payment options to make the procedure more affordable. Whatever the cost, restoring your smile, self-confidence and ability to chew and speak properly are well worth the investment.

Your Health

Before having a dental implant, your dentist will evaluate your health to see if implants are suitable options. Chronic illnesses such as diabetes may not be a barrier to having them, but you could be at a greater risk of implant failure. If you’re pregnant, you will be advised to delay the dental procedure until after the child is born.

Dentists will also check to see whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. The key qualities of a good dental implant candidate include:

  • Good general health
  • Healthy gums and teeth
  • Adequate jawbone volume
  • Good teeth cleaning habits

Your Oral Health

Another key dental implant factor to consider is oral health. Good oral hygiene is of paramount importance before and after receiving implants. To ensure good oral health, you need to floss and brush daily, which helps prevent cavities, gum disease and implant failure. If there is an active infection in your mouth, your implant surgery will most likely be delayed until after it has cleared up.

The Implant Brand and Type of Crown Material

Many patients may not be aware of what a dental implant is or composed of. Therefore, it´s a good idea to ask your dentist about the materials they will be using. Dental implant manufacturers produce components that have been thoroughly tested in research and have been used for decades. Dental implants are small titanium posts that are embedded into the jawbone. They provide a base for replacement teeth to attach to and can also be made from surgical grade stainless steel, zirconium or gold. Often the crown is made of porcelain.

The Dentist´s Credentials

You don´t want to trust your oral health to any old dentist. You want one with a proven track record of successful dental implant procedures. Check the internet for reviews and ask friends and family for referrals. Once you have found a dentist you trust and feel comfortable with, consider asking them the following questions:

• What is your level of training?

• How long have you been performing dental implant procedures?

• What is your success rate?

• Can I see photos of your work?

Here at Chesterfield Dentistry, we have a skilled team of experienced and knowledgeable dental experts who have performed hundreds of successful dental implant procedures.

The Risks and Benefits

Every type of surgery carries risks, and having a dental implant is no different. The risks are rare and can be easily treated, or they can even heal on their own. Among the possible risks are:

• Allergic reactions to the titanium alloy in some implants

• Infection at the implant site that can develop during or after surgery

• Swelling, bruising or bleeding at the implant site

• Micromovements of the implants

• Early-stage failure if there is insufficient bone support

Dental implants have a success rate of 90 to 95% and boast a wealth of benefits, including:

• Preventing the loss of bone mass in your jaw

• Restoring bite functionality allowing you to bite with more or less the same forces as your natural teeth

• Dental implant material can´t decay

• Maintaining a straight, even smile

• Having new teeth that can last a lifetime

Jawbone Density

Like natural teeth, dental implants are embedded into the jawbone, so there needs to be sufficient bone density for them to attach. One of the problems of missing teeth is that the jawbone starts to shrink. Therefore, your dentist will assess the level of bone you have. If there is insufficient for an implant, they may suggest a bone graft.

What Are You Waiting For?

Getting a dental implant can significantly improve your quality of life. At Chesterfield Dentistry, we´re ready to help. If you´re thinking about dental implants and want to know more, schedule a consultation by calling us on (314) 682-4587 or using our online booking form.