
Clear Aligners and Gum Recession – Separating Facts From Fiction

Jun 20, 2024
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People often worry that clear aligners may lead to gum recession. This article explains all you need to know about aligners and their impact on gum health. By knowing the facts, you can decide if the treatment is right for you

If you're curious about clear aligners and gum recession, here is some essential information to help you decide whether aligners are right for you.

About gum recession

Gum recession occurs when the gums surrounding the teeth gradually pull back, exposing the roots. This periodontal condition impacts the tissues supporting the teeth within the mouth. Teeth with receded gums appear longer and can become sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages due to the exposed root surface, which is more sensitive than the enamel on the crown.

The causes of gum recession

Gum recession can result from various causes, some of which might be unexpected. Understanding these causes can help you prevent further damage to your gums.

Gum disease:

Poor oral hygiene leads to a build-up of plaque and tartar, creating a favorable environment for bacteria that cause gum disease. This can result in gum inflammation which, if untreated, may progress to pockets in the gum, eventually leading to gum recession. While 2 in 5 US adults (over 30) suffer from some form of gum disease, the good news is that clear aligners are not to blame.

Aggressive tooth brushing:

Using excessive force while brushing or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can damage the gums and wear down teeth. Over time, this can contribute to gum recession. It is important to brush gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Misaligned teeth:

Teeth that are out of position are harder to clean effectively, making it easier for food particles and plaque to accumulate. This can lead to gum inflammation and recession due to the difficulty in maintaining proper oral hygiene.


Some individuals are genetically predisposed to have thin gums, which are more susceptible to recession. If you have a family history of gum problems, you may be at a higher risk.


As we age, our gums naturally tend to recede. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices can help slow this process, but some degree of recession may be unavoidable with age.

 Lip/tongue piercings:

Piercings in the lip or tongue can repeatedly injure the adjacent gums, especially those near the lower front teeth. This trauma can cause the gums to pull back. Additionally, piercings can lead to increased plaque accumulation around the affected area.

How to know if you have gum recession

The following symptoms indicate your gums are receding:

  • Redness and swelling: Healthy gums are light pink and firm. If your gums are swollen and red, it could be a sign of gum disease, which can lead to gum recession if left untreated.
  • Bleeding: Bleeding gums are an early indicator of gum disease and should not be ignored
  • Longer teeth appearance: As gums recede, teeth appear longer due to exposed roots. You may notice lines on your teeth indicating the previous gum line.
  • Tooth sensitivity: Receding gums often expose tooth roots, causing a sharp, short-lived discomfort when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks.
  • Loose teeth: Advanced gum recession can lead to bone loss around the teeth, reducing support and causing teeth to become loose. This is often a result of prolonged untreated gum disease.

Tips to prevent gum recession

Diligently adopting the following oral health practices will help you avoid gum disease and recession.

Brush twice a day -  Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice daily. With a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, use gentle circular motions, paying particular attention to the gum line.

Regular dental visits - Schedule regular check-ups and professional cleanings with your dentist. These visits are crucial for spotting early signs of gum disease or recession and receiving timely treatment.

Stop smoking - Smoking is a major risk factor for gum disease. Quitting the habit can significantly improve your oral health and lower the risk of gum issues.

Healthy diet - Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support gum health.

Pay attention to gum disease symptoms - Don’t ignore signs like persistent bad breath, redness or bleeding gums. Seek professional dental care promptly to prevent gum recession and other irreversible damage.

Myths and facts – clear aligners and gum recession

A common misconception is that orthodontic treatments, such as braces or aligners, lead to gum recession. However, research indicates that these procedures alone do not directly cause gum recession. Instead, factors like poor oral hygiene play a significant role in gum recession among individuals undergoing orthodontic care. In reality, orthodontic treatments can enhance gum health by straightening teeth, making it easier to maintain effective oral hygiene.

Prospective patients considering teeth straightening often ask, "Can aligners lead to gum recession?" It's crucial to understand that clear aligners are specifically designed to gradually move teeth into their intended positions. When used correctly under the supervision of a qualified dentist, clear aligners do not cause gum recession.

However, it's essential to note that inadequate oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment can contribute to gum issues, including recession. Misaligned teeth can be harder to clean effectively, increasing the risk of gum disease. Without proper oral care habits, plaque and bacteria may accumulate along the gumline, leading to inflammation and potential gum recession. Therefore, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial throughout orthodontic treatment to prevent these complications.

How to maintain gum health with clear aligners

Although we’ve shown there is no direct link between clear aligners and gum recession clear aligners are often blamed for poor oral health. Below are a few ways you can keep your gums healthy when wearing aligners:

Early detection of gum recession:

Be vigilant for early signs such as bleeding gums or tooth sensitivity. Promptly consult your dentist to prevent gum disease from progressing. If advanced gum disease is present, your dentist may advise waiting until gums heal before starting orthodontic treatment.

Maintaining oral hygiene:

Poor oral hygiene is a significant factor in gum recession with clear aligners. Proper brushing techniques prevent plaque buildup, which can harden into tartar. Regular cleaning of aligners is also crucial to prevent gum inflammation and recession.

Regular dental check-ups:

Routine dental visits are essential for detecting early signs of gum disease that may be difficult to notice on your own. Your dentist will conduct thorough examinations to identify any potential issues with your teeth and gums.

Summing Up

In conclusion, there is no need for concern about clear aligners causing gum recession if you maintain good oral hygiene. By wearing and keeping your aligners clean, you can achieve a straighter smile confidently.

Chesterfield Dentistry provides comprehensive dental services including preventive care, cosmetic procedures, oral surgery, dental implants, Invisalign and Clear Correct. Schedule an appointment with us today!