
Clear Aligner Myths And Facts To Resolve Any Doubts You May Have

Apr 17, 2024
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Ready for a more confident smile? Clear aligners offer a discreet and effective way to straighten teeth without traditional braces. But there are myths to debunk! Check out our blog post for the top five myths and facts about clear aligners.

Do you long for a smile that’s straighter and will make you feel more confident?  Maybe you’re unsure about whether braces or clear aligners are the best choice for you. If you’re eager to learn more and clear up any doubts about clear aligners, you’ve come to the right place.

Clear aligners have become a popular option for individuals wishing to improve their smiles. In fact, to date, over 17 million people, including 4.5 million teens have transformed their smiles with Invisalign alone. Clear aligners are discreet, easy to use and do a great job of straightening teeth without the bulky metal wires and brackets of traditional braces.

But just like with any technology, there are some myths and misunderstandings floating around about clear aligners. Don't worry, though! In this post, we'll address the top five myths and facts about clear aligners to help you make a well-informed decision about your orthodontic treatment. So, let’s get started.

5 Common Myths Of Clear Aligner Treatment (And the Facts)

Myth 1 - Clear aligners can only fix minor dental issues

Fact - While this may have been the case when clear aligners were first introduced, technology has advanced significantly over the years to the point where clear aligners can fix most dental problems including crooked teeth, open bite, crossbite, underbite, overbite, gaps in the teeth and crowded teeth.

Clear aligner therapy boasts a success rate of 80–90% for mild to moderate tooth movements, providing a viable alternative to traditional braces and other orthodontic methods. Yet, it might not be the ideal choice for complex orthodontic cases like severe crowding or spacing, intricate bite issues, or substantial jaw differences.

Myth 2Clear aligners take longer to work than braces

Fact – Generally, clear aligners work faster than traditional braces but this is often because they’re more commonly used to fix minor dental issues. The average treatment time with Invisalign is between 10-18 months but this can vary for each patient. Some may complete their treatment in six months while other cases may take as long as 24 months. Conversely, traditional braces take on average 18 months or longer.

While in general, clear aligner treatment is quicker than braces, factors that affect treatment time include the severity of your misalignment, whether you have any other dental issues and whether you are committed to wearing the aligners for 22 hours a day, every day. Failing to wear clear aligners as prescribed can extend the length of treatment and impact the results.

Myth 3 – Clear aligners are painful to wear

Fact - Pain is often a concern among those considering orthodontic treatment which brings us to the third myth in our list of clear aligner myths and facts. Most of the studies carried out among Invisalign patients concluded that their pain levels in the early days of treatment were generally lower than those treated with traditional braces.  However, it’s important to remember that pain toleration varies from one person to another.

Most people wearing clear aligners experience some discomfort when they switch to a new and tight aligner. This is because most of the tooth movement occurs in the first few days. Once the teeth have reached their new destination, the aligner starts to feel more comfortable. A top tip is to switch to a new aligner just before getting ready for bed. That way you will likely sleep through the majority of discomfort.

Myth 4Clear aligners are visible and unattractive

This is certainly not true. Clear aligners are manufactured from transparent medical-grade plastic and cover the teeth a bit like a mouthguard. While it may be apparent that someone is wearing aligners depending on your proximity to their mouth, you’re unlikely to notice them from a distance.

The beauty of clear aligners is being able to go about your daily business without anyone seeing that you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Also, because the aligners are removable, you can always take them out of your mouth for a special event, but it’s best to put them back in as soon as you can. Leaving your aligners out for several days can disrupt your treatment so you may not get the results you were hoping for or the treatment may take longer than planned.

Myth 5Clear aligners involve dietary restrictions

Unlike fixed braces, clear aligners are removed every time you eat or drink anything other than water. Not only does this mean you can eat anything you want, but it also means you can brush and floss your teeth with ease. So maintaining a good level of oral hygiene throughout your treatment is a breeze.

However, because aligners are intended to be worn for 22 hours a day, essentially this means there are just two hours left in your day for meals and teeth brushing/flossing. Ideally, you need to plan when you’re going to eat and do it faster! Additionally, to avoid staining the aligners or prevent bacteria from forming beneath the aligners and causing decay and cavities, it’s essential to brush your teeth after eating meals or snacks.

To conclude

Now, that we have cleared up any doubts with our clear aligner myths and facts guide, it’s clear to see that clear aligner treatment is discreet, comfortable and versatile. Don’t allow misunderstandings prevent you from achieving the smile you've always wanted.

At Chesterfield Dentistry, we offer a variety of teeth straightening options, including Invisalign and ClearCorrect. Click here to read a comparison between the two, to help you decide which is the best treatment for you.

Why not schedule a free orthodontic consultation to discuss your best options?