
Cigarette Smoke-Related Tooth Damage - How Dental Implants Can Help

Dec 09, 2022
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Everyone knows that smoking can cause serious health problems, but moreover, it can cause considerable damage to your teeth and mouth that can result in tooth loss. Fortunately, we can restore a damaged smile with dental implants. Learn more.

Everybody knows that smoking causes serious health problems. However, one of the most common and overlooked risks of reaching for tobacco is the damage it can do to your teeth and mouth. The effects of smoking on your smile can range from yellowing of the teeth and staining to gum recession and tooth loss. Smoking can also increase your risk of developing oral cancer and other oral health problems, including the following:

Gum Disease  

Smoking can have a significant impact on the health of your gums. It weakens the body’s natural defenses against gum disease and increases the risk of developing periodontal (gum) disease. Smoking can also make it more difficult for your body to heal after periodontal treatments. Tobacco smoke can also increase the risk of gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums. 

Smoking can also increase the severity of periodontal disease and reduce the chances of successful treatment. It can cause the gums to become more irritated and inflamed, making it more difficult for the body to heal. In addition, smoking can increase the amount of plaque (a sticky film of bacteria) in the mouth, which can cause further damage to the gums. 

Tooth Loss

Smoking is associated with an increased risk of tooth loss. This is due to the increased risk of gum disease and also because smoking can cause bone loss in the jaw. The chemicals in cigarettes and other forms of tobacco weaken teeth enamel, making them more susceptible to decay and cavities.


Smoking is a major cause of teeth discoloration. The tar and nicotine found in cigarette smoke can stick to teeth, causing them to become yellow or brown in color. In addition, the heat from the smoke can cause tooth enamel to weaken, leading to a greater likelihood of tooth decay and discoloration. The chemicals in smoke can also create a film on the surface of teeth, making them appear dull or yellow. Smoking also decreases the amount of saliva in the mouth, leading to a higher buildup of plaque and bacteria, which can cause discoloration. 

Bad Breath

Smoking can cause bad breath because the smoke residue from the cigarette sticks to your mouth and teeth. This residue can cause your breath to smell like smoke, a very unpleasant aroma. Additionally, smoking cigarettes can dry out your mouth and decrease saliva production, which is important for washing away bacteria that can cause bad breath. When there isn’t enough saliva, bacteria have more time to grow and produce unpleasant odors.

Mouth Cancer 

Smoking increases your risk of developing mouth cancer. This is due to the chemicals in the smoke, which can cause changes to the cells in the mouth. The effects of smoking on the mouth and teeth are cumulative and can lead to permanent damage and even tooth loss if not addressed early and treated properly.

Smoking Can Lead to Complications with Dental Implants

Smoking can have a major impact on the success of dental implants. The chemicals in cigarette smoke can affect the gum tissue, reducing the blood flow to the implant and making it more susceptible to infection. It can also cause inflammation of the gum tissue, leading to a breakdown of the implant’s supportive structures. And because smoking increases the risk of periodontal disease the implant can become loose and eventually fail. On top of that, smoking can cause discolouration of the implant and surrounding teeth, leading to an unattractive and unhealthy smile.

Beat the Urge: Simple Strategies to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is hard work, but it can be done. It requires determination and a strong will to break the habit. 

  1. Set a quit date: Pick a date to quit and stick to it.
  2. Prepare yourself: Understand your smoking habits and why you want to quit.
  3. Avoid triggers: Identify your smoking triggers and stay away from them.
  4. Get support: Talk to your family and friends and seek support.
  5. Keep busy: Keep your hands and mouth busy with activities such as chewing gum, drinking water and doing puzzles.
  6. Exercise: Exercise can help reduce cravings and the urge to smoke.
  7. Reward yourself: Reward yourself for each milestone you reach in your quit journey.
  8. Get help: Consider talking to a doctor or counselor about medications or other treatments that may help you quit.
  9. Stay the course: Take it one day at a time, and never give up.

Overcome Smoking-Related Tooth Damage with Dental Implants

If you are a smoker and have experienced damage to your teeth, getting dental implants can help you to restore your smile. Dental implants are a form of prosthetic dentistry that involve the insertion of titanium posts into the jawbone to replace missing or damaged teeth. The posts are then topped with a crown or bridge that looks and functions just like natural teeth. The result is a beautiful, natural-looking smile that you can be proud of.

At Chesterfield Dentistry, we understand how difficult it can be to live with damaged and missing teeth. That’s why we offer dental implants as a way to restore your smile and give you back the confidence you deserve.

Why not schedule a free consultation with our experienced team today to learn more about how dental implants can improve your oral health? We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams! You can contact us at (314) 936 3621 or make a booking online.

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